Adult Study

We offer a variety of opportunities for adults to deepen their skills, knowledge and understanding of Judaism and Jewish life. We passionately believe that regular learning as an adult can be an enriching part of Jewish life, and is as important to adults as is religion school for children. 

Our aim is to make learning an interesting, stimulating, sociable and life long experience. The environment is welcoming, the teachers are all passionate about their subjects,and the possibilities to learn are endless. 

According to the Talmud:"A person should always learn that part of the Torah which is their heart’s desire… A person should always learn Torah in a place that their heart desires." (Babylonian Talmud, Avodah Zarah 19a) 

We also offer learning opportunities to deepen our prayer experience, to give skills to emerging leaders, and to sensitise ourselves to the need for social action and social justice work. Whether it be visiting the sick or helping to run the Drop-In Centre, the Jewish ethics that underpin that work are an essential part of our Adult Education programme. 

The Talmud records a statement made by R. Chanina: “I have learned much from my teachers. More from my colleagues. But most of all — from my students.” (Babylonian Talmud, Ta’anit 7a) 

So - come and join one of our many programmes. Speak to the Head of Education, Gil Reshef, if you would like us to introduce a new subject. We look forward to your joining us in life-long learning. 

  • Parents Learning Project – School for Parents

Sessions for parents during Sunday mornings on different topics such as: Shabbat, Parenthood & Internet Safety, or Ask the Rabbi - for the really hard questions you have always wanted to ask. 

    • Parashat Hashavua – Portion of the Week

    The portion of the week means so much more if you have studied it before. Join Rabbi Helen on Mondays at 12.30pm, and bring along a light non-meat lunch. Look forward to seeing you there.

    • Kneading the Kings

    Join Rabbi David on Fridays, to explore the plots, the twists and the turns of the books of Samuel and Kings for an adult, 'no holds barred' discussion of all aspects of this fascinating text (no Hebrew necessary). If you like a good epic, or just a gripping tale, then this course has your name on it.