
Mazal Tov!  You have given birth to a new baby and we would like to welcome them into the WLS family. There are many ways in which we can celebrate with you.

  • Eighth Day Naming Ceremonies 

Whether you have a boy or a girl, you may like to mark the eighth day after birth with a traditional, or not-so-traditional naming ceremony. Contact a Rabbi to see the options for a short ceremony to take place in your home 

  • Brit 

If you have a boy, you are encouraged to have him circumcised and to celebrate with a brit milah.  Contact the Rabbis for a list of mohalim. The mohel you choose through us will be a qualified doctor well trained and experienced in providing a circumcision. Whether you are both Jewish, or you are an interfaith family, our mohalim will be happy to perform the ceremony. 

  • Pidyon ha-Ben/Pidyon ha-Bat 

Though this ancient ceremony is not part of Reform culture, we recognize that the birth of your first child is very special. Contact a Rabbi to discuss how the 30th day after the birth of your baby can be marked in an authentic and meaningful way.  

  • Welcoming your child into the Synagogue 

At a time convenient to you and your family, we would like to invite you to bring your baby to synagogue on Shabbat or a Festival to announce his Hebrew name to the congregation. After a short ceremony, they will receive a blessing from the Rabbis, collect a special naming certificate and be presented with their own WLS Seymour teddy bear.

For more information about any of these services, please contact Micky Nathanson on 020 7535 0284.