Bar/Bat Mitzvah

A younger member approaching becoming a Jewish adult as Bar or Bat Mitzvah, will most likely already have become familiar with the wider community family over several years.  

They then move into the two-year Bar/Bat Mitzvah Programme, in which students are required to attend a residential course and Bar/Bat Mitzvah family support group events, and to receive one-to-one tuition on the parashah (Torah portion) that they will recite or chant at their Bar/Bat Mitzvah Service.  Students are also required to attend a minimum of 18 synagogue services during their time of preparation, at least half of which should be Shabbat morning services.  

Every student is encouraged to adopt a Tzedakah project - a charity that is close to their hearts. Indeed, many families make this a vital part of the celebration, signalling that an important part of becoming a Jewish adult is to give some of your time and effort to charity.

In addition to their one-to-one tutor, all students have a ‘Mentor Rabbi’ who meets with them regularly during the preparation period, to help them, among other things, to prepare their D’var Torah (the commentary on their parasha).

A Bar/Bat Mitzvah may be celebrated during the regular Shabbat morning service, or on Shabbat afternoon. Our aim is for all our students to participate in the exciting and innovative Tripod programme, including its trips, learning opportunities and Kabbalat Torah service at the end of the programme. 

Preparing families for Bar/Bat Mitzvah is a privilege for all of us, as we set our students on the road to a lifetime of Jewish learning, supporting them to reaffirm their connection to their community family, and to gain an understanding of how one contributes to civic society. 

For more information about having your Bar/Bat Mitzvah at WLS, please contact Micky Nathanson, Ritual Co-ordinator.