18.00: Yom Ha’atzmaut Kabbalat Shabbat Combo Service 

19.15: Oneg Party

Please join us for the Kabbalat Shabbat Combo Service at 18.00, followed by our annual multi-generational birthday party (Oneg) to celebrate the rebirth of the Jewish nation 76 years ago. 

Israeli-style meat-free hot and cold buffet with wine, live music from our favourite ‘house’ band SHIR!, singing, reflection, and perhaps a little dancing in solidarity with the families of those who lost their lives on 7 October 2023.

This year, we pay particular homage to our brothers and sisters still being held in Gaza. 

We take our inspiration from released hostage Mia Schem’s defiant tattoo We Will Dance Again 7.10.23 referencing the more than 360 young people brutally murdered as they danced for peace at the Nova Festival

#bringthemhomenow #letmypeoplego #standwithisrael #wewilldanceagain71023

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Decrease Increase £40.00


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Decrease Increase £20.00


Decrease Increase £20.00